“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” is a very popular quote by J.K. Rowling.
With the passing time, people are leaving behind the hidden happiness buried deep inside themselves. Everyone is so much indulged in the rat race of getting successful that they forget to live their precious time. And when they encounter a challenge, they hide further into the darkness of misery and grief. But the truth is, there is happiness all around. One can admire the wonder of sunset or the beauty of the moon to expand their soul in the worship of the creator. Nature in every way tries to make mankind happy. But unfortunately, one tends to miss those small things. A person who follows the path of nature’s diamonds and work with utmost honesty will definitely live a happy life. By carrying this principle with oneself through one’s daily work, one can enrich their lives in a way that is difficult for anyone to describe. One will then begin to see the exquisite wonders in the simplest of things and live with ecstasy they deserve.
Stop spending so much time chasing life’s big pleasures while neglecting the little ones. Slow things down. Enjoy the beauty and sacredness of all that is around. Never put off the things that are important for your well-being and satisfaction to a later time. Today is the day to live lives fully, never put off living.
Each living being owes this to themselves.