Sayings we need to keep in mind circa- 2021

4 min readMar 6, 2021


Sayings we need to keep in mind circa- 2021

The year 2020 has been one of the toughest years for so many people in so many different ways. People have lost their loved ones, jobs, businesses have shut down and lockdowns have had detrimental effects on people’s mental health. In the midst of this chaos and unpredictability what we need is to find inspiration to keep at it and not lose hope. Now that we all have had a collective share in our miseries, let’s try and share our inspirations as well.

Here are a few sayings that I found inspiring.

1. “When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt

Calling year 2020 difficult would be an understatement. From poor migrants walking barefoot on empty stomachs for days on end; to all the people who’ve lost their loved ones and could not even say a final good bye. We have all been through our own customized hells! Even after a year of the time this madness started, world is still not back to its normal self. So if you are still dealing with the after math of a world- wide pandemic…you know what to do…hold on tight my friend!

2. “If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.” -Oprah Winfrey

In a world obsessed with all things material, we saw people helping one another. In a way the pandemic made us all realize how self absorbed and materialistic we all have become.

A year of being confined to our homes did put a lot into perspective. Somewhere we all realized how limited our time on this earth is and how easily our journeys can end. Being at home and spending special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries at home with family did make a lot of us nostalgic. The pandemic made us stop and take notice of all the little things we failed to enjoy while chasing the big stuff! Now while chasing the things we want, let’s not forget the amazing things we already have.

3. “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney
Walt Disney who has made most of our childhood amazing through his cartoons and animated movies has a point here. Things might be difficult right now
but we need to keep our faith in ourselves. If a man in some part of the world decided to eat an animal and changed the world and how we see it, you my dear friend can definitely change your own life, only if you decide to do whatever it takes. Just because times are uncertain does not mean you have to give up on your dreams, it just means you have to find a way to make it happen. And once you start to find ways, you will definitely get one.

4. “We’re all broken….That’s how the light gets in”- Earnest Hemingway

It is very easy to feel inadequate in a world that’s highly dependent on social media, which is full of people who seem to be richer, prettier, more- successful and generally doing better than you in every aspect of their life. This has taken a toll on many people this last year, looking at images of people living it up while you are struggling is very difficult. But the next time you feel inadequate please remind yourself that no one shares their problems online. And every one no matter how rich, pretty, successful they may be have had their fair share of struggle. Our struggles and problems are what help us realize what we are made of. Our problems often make us stronger & wiser; no one has ever learnt much from comfort & luxury.

5. “One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.”- Paulo Coelho

If the pandemic and the world wide shut down have taught me anything, it’s not to take my time on this planet for granted. We put so many things that we really want to do on hold while we are busy doing things that we have to do. We’ve been conditioned to grow up, get a job, marry and live our lives according to a time-table. And we keep running around in circles eventually realizing what a sham it has been all along. So take that trip you really want to go on, color your hair whichever color you desire, eat that damn desert, go meet your school friend for lunch, spend more time with your parents or kids before it’s too late. Life was never meant to follow a time-table nor should you. Make yourself and your happiness the utmost priority and then proceed to spread that happiness all around you.

Tanya Chopra




Written by JIMS

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