• Introduction -
Procrastination is derived from Latin roots pro — ( meaning ‘forward’ ) and crustiness ( meaning ‘of tomorrow’ ) .
Thus , it means to move forward to tomorrow .
It typically implies late or slow doing any work or task that should be done on time because one do not want to do it because of his or her laziness or carelessness.
• Definition -
According to Julie Morgenstern “ Procrastination is the biggest enemy of a successfully planned day . When you get a late start , it can make one activity spill over into the time alotted for the next activity , causing a domino effect that leaves many times on your to do list undone “ .
• Types of Procrastination -
1. “Plenty of time” Procrastination -
Sometimes people procrastinate their work or task because they have plenty of time or the deadline is a long way off . Example of it is students , who try to complete their work few days before the deadline than doing it earlier.
2. Perfectionist Procrastination -
This type of procrastinators spend too much time on the same project and fail to manage their time or avoid doing the project because they try to avoid being judged or embarrassed by mistakes .
3. Overwhelmed Procrastination -
This type of procrastinators have lots of work to do and they fail to figure out from where to start something and they end up doing nothing .
4. Dread — filled Procrastination -
Sometimes people hate what they are doing or they find it boring or unpleasant , it is tough for them to get motivated to take action . So in such situation people may procrastinate just to avoid doing particular work or task .
5. Fun Procrastination -
Sometimes due to anxiety related to starting and ending any work or task people may procrastinate their work or task
• How To Overcome Procrastination ?
1. Small Task -
We can overcome procrastination by breaking the big task in smaller modules or parts with this task can be accomplished on time .
2. Balance -
To overcome procrastination balance is very much essential . It is not easy to sustain long term productivity , happiness and health if one’s life is totally unbalanced .
3. Clarity -
People can also overcome procrastination by being absolutely clear of what one want to do or achieve and it will also help in saving their time as there will be clarity in task or work .
4. Commitment To The Task -
People can also overcome procrastination by finishing their assigned task or work on time rather than postponing it .
5. Immediate Reward — Smaller and initial short term reward is far better than uncertain and distant long term reward .
6. Work Smart -
Work smart for result oriented work or work which gives the result .
7. Regular Check -
Ask someone to have regular check upon your work so that they can check and inform you that you are doing your work efficiently , effectively and within the given deadline or not .
Thus we can overcome procrastination by the list of measures mentioned above .
“You may delay but time will not .”
- Benjamin Franklin
By: Saumya Singh,LAW