Since time immemorial, women have been reminded of their position in the society vis-à-vis men. Ours is still a patriarchal society. Women face oppression, Disadvantage and Discrimination even today in many ways. The literacy rate among women is very less in comparison with the men. In majority of the rural areas of India, girls are not sent to school. Instead they are supposed to do household chores at an early age. In urban areas too, proportion of women with highly paid jobs is very less. In fact, top posts are reserved for men in most cases. Sexual division of labour is prominent in the society and can be seen in our ‘sweet homes’ also. Women do household chores and take care of the family but their work goes unnoticed. Men hardly help their counterparts to run errands but are ready to do them if they get paid. Moreover this crucial contribution made by women in the households is not included in the National Income of the nation. The government has taken many steps to bridge gender divide but lack of proper implementation is a major roadblock. The equal wages act continues to exist on paper only as women paid less is almost all fields of work cinema, sports, factories and farms. Land and property rights are weekly enforced. Not just women, men too face gender bias. Male make-up artists and men who design clothes for women often went unnoticed until now. In our society boys are considered to be superior to girls. Hence, when a girl defeats a boy in a competition or when a boy cries, he’s doubted of his masculinity. He is reminded of a dialogue from a cult classic “Mard ko dard nahi hota”.
Knowing the gender of the child before birth is a crime but it continues to haunt the nooks and corners of India. Female infanticide is still practiced. Education opportunities should be given to a boy as well as a girl. UNCESCO’s ‘HE OR SHE ’campaign highlights the importance of sending every girl child to school. The outlook of people on gender disparities needs a change. If a girl plays cricket she should not be termed a ‘tomboy’. It should not matter of pink or blue clothes and cars or dolls. Each one should be able to chase his/her dreams.
By: Kunal Joshi B.Com(H)