
2 min readAug 28, 2020


As the definition suggests “Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.” It affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems.Sadly,

most people confuse it with one’s own choice to be miserable and depressed,

Whereas the truth is that no one wants to be miserable and depressed.

A person in depression constantly thinks that he is not good enough,He has done wrong to people when he has done no wrong,His self-esteem reaches to the point where he has no self worth and life seems useless and feels as if it was curse to be alive,He wishes to end the constant noise in his head which makes him feel like hell and he wishes to end his life so he can escape the noise which becomes extremely difficult to tolerate,Nothing seems right and person becomes so full of negative emotions that they can pour it out for hours and still have enough of it left in them,

No one chooses to be like this,

It is the chemical imbalance,past experiences in their life and many other factor such as emotional and psychological changes in the body which lead them towards depression.It is very much common that people around us like our friends or family maybe silently fighting it,or it might be visible but your lack of awareness about the disease does not let you know.

Don’t suffer or let others suffer,bring mental health awareness in everyone’s life and help people to fight the disease.




Written by JIMS

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